(Joint work with B. Leclerc and J. Schröer)
For an adaptable element w of the Weyl group W the cluster algebra structure on the coordinate ring bbc[cnsupw] of the unipotent cell cnsupw is categorified by a subcategory calcsubw of the modules over the corresponding preprojective algebra. Under the cluster character coming from Lusztig's construction of the semicanonical basis, the initial seed consisting of certain generalized minors corresponds to a canonical cluster tilting object cv in calcsubw.

In order to solve in this context the factorization problem, Berenstein, Fomin and Zelevinsky introduced twisted minors. We show that these twisted minors correspond essentially to the inverse of Auslander-Reiten translate of the summands of cv. More generally, one could say that the Auslander-Reiten translate in calcsubw categorifies the twist automorphism etasubwsupast of bbc[cnsupw]. This allows us to compare the above mentioned cluster character with the Caldero-Fu-Keller cluster character.