Welcome to my webpage!

Picture DLF

Since August 2013 I am a Professor at the Mathematical Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

About me

  • My Ph.D. Thesis Advisor was Andrei Zelevinsky :o)
  • I am mentioned in the Section Publicity and awards of Sergey Fomin's Cluster Algebras Portal :o)
  • I was tenured as Professor in September 2017 :o)
  • I spent 2.5 years in Bonn as a Postdoc of Jan Schröer :o)
  • My Master Thesis Advisor was Michael Barot :o)
  • My CV (as of January 2023).
  • My Google Scholar profile
  • My MathSciNet profile
  • During 2021 and 2022 I used my YouTube Channel to post the videos of my teaching.
  • E-mail addresses: labardini@etc
    (etc = matem.unam.mx or etc = im.unam.mx)
  • In November 2018, UNAM's Physics Institute and the Marcos Moshinsky Foundation awarded me with the Marcos Moshinsky Chair for Young Researchers (Cátedra Marcos Moshinsky) :o).
  • In March 2021 I was promoted from "Investigador Titular A" to "Investigador Titular B" :o)
  • Ich spreche Deutsch (zwischen B2 und C1) :o)
  • Parlo anche Italiano (livello A2) :o)
  • I have not smoked since August 1st, 2018 :o)

  • Miscellaneous

  • The poster I presented at the Zelevinsky Memorial Conference
  • Möbius transformations revealed
  • A truly great song by All Diese Gewalt
  • A superb rendition of Silvio Rodriguez's beautiful 'La era está pariendo un corazón' by the Chilean band 'The Bunkers'. (Disclaimer: I despise Rodriguez's political takes, but I appreciate his music and poetry).
  • Andrei Zelevinsky on "Cluster algebras via quivers with potentials"
  • Terence Tao on "What is good mathematics?"
  • Cluster algebras in Wikipedia
  • Andrei Zelevinsky in Wikipedia
  • Sergey Fomin in Wikipedia
  • Idun Reiten in Wikipedia
  • Marcos Moshinsky in Wikipedia
  • Sophie Germain in Wikipedia