Alfredo Nájera Chávez
I am a professor at the Mathematics Institute of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in the city of Oaxaca.
I obtained my PhD at Université Paris Diderot - Paris VII under the direction of Prof. Bernhard Keller and Prof. Lauren Williams.
After my PhD, I was a Posdoctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn.
My last name is Nájera Chávez.
Instituto de Matemáticas UNAM Unidad Oaxaca
León 2, altos, Oaxaca de Juárez
Centro Histórico
68000 Oaxaca, Mexico.
Office: 4
Research Interests
- Cluster algebras, cluster categories and cluster varieties
- Toric geometry
- Mirror symmetry
- Representation theory of quivers
Publications and preprints
- Newton-Okounkov bodies and minimal models for cluster varieties, with L. Bossinger, M.-W. Cheung and T. Magee, Advances in Mathematics, Volume 447, 2024, 109680.
- The cluster complex for cluster Poisson varieties and representations of acyclic quivers, with C. Melo, International Mathematics Research Notices, rnae055.
- Deformation Theory for Finite Cluster Complexes, with N. Ilten and H. Treffinger, arXiv:2111.02566 [math.AG], to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift.
- Families of Gröbner degenerations, Grassmannians and universal cluster algebras, with L. Bossinger and F. Mohammadi. SIGMA 17 (2021), Paper No. 059.
- Compactifications of cluster varieties and convexity, with M.-W. Cheung and T. Magee, International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2022, Issue 14, July 2022, Pages 10858-10911.
- Landau-Ginzburg potentials for Fano compactifications of cluster varieties, in Oberwolfach Reports 10 (2020), pp 7--8.
- Toric degenerations of cluster varieties and cluster duality, with L. Bossinger, B. Frías-Medina and T. Magee. Compositio Mathematica, 156 (10), 2149-2206.
- A 2-Calabi-Yau realization of finite-type cluster algebras with universal coefficients, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 291, 1495-1523 (2019).
- On Frobenius (completed) orbit categories, Algebras and Representation Theory, 20, 1007-1027 (2017).
- On the c-vectors of an acyclic cluster algebra, International Mathematical Research Notices, 2015 (6), 1590-1600.
- c-vecotrs and dimension vectors for cluster finite quivers , Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 45, Issue 6, 2013, 1259-1266.
- On the c-vectors and g-vectors of the Markov cluster algebra, Séminaire Lotharingien de combinatoire, 69 (2013), Article B69d.
Organization of conferences and other events
Curriculum Vitae
- You can find my short CV (which might or might not be updated) here.