What is Linear Programming?

Table of Contents

About the name Linear Programming

Linear Programming might best be called Linear Optimization: it means finding maxima and minima of linear functions of several variables subject to constraints that are linear equations or linear inequalities. The word “programming” has the old-fashioned meaning of “planning” and was chosen in the forties, before the advent of computers.

Example: Pig Farming

Say you are a pig farmer and want to find the cheapest way to make sure your pigs get all the nutrition they need. Let’s say there are three types of food you are considering and that their nutritional contents, prices and the pigs’ daily requirements are as follows:

  Corn Silage1 Alfalfa Daily requirement
Carbs 0.9 0.2 0.4 2
Protein 3 8 6 18
Vitamins 1 2 4 15
Cost 7 6 5  

Notice that we didn’t specify the units, and it won’t really matter what they are as long as they are consistent. Let’s say the amounts of nutrients shown are in units (of carbs, protein or vitamins) per kilogram of food and that the prices are in cents per kilogram.

To express this problem mathematically choose variables for the amounts of each the foods we should buy: let \(c\) be the number of kilograms of corn per day you’ll buy and similarly let \(s\) be the amount of silage and \(a\) the amount of alfalfa (both in kg/day).

The cost of buying those amounts will be \(7c+6s+5a\) cents per day. This is the amount we wish to minimize. The nutritional requirements give inequalities that the variables must satisfy. For example, getting two units of carbs per day means that \(0.9 c + 0.2 s + 0.4 a \ge 2\).

Putting all of this together we get a linear program (often abbreviated LP):

Minimize \(7c + 6s + 5a\)

subject to \[\begin{aligned} 0.9 c + 0.2 s + 0.4 a & \ge 2 \\ 3 c + 8 s + 6 a & \ge 18 \\ c + 2 s + 4 a & \ge 15 \\ c, s, a & \ge 0 \end{aligned}\]

We added the obvious constraint that all three variable must be non-negative because while it is commonsense for us, if we didn’t include them “the math wouldn’t know about it”.

The bulk of this course will be learning how to solve this type of problem using the Simplex Method.


As we’ve mentioned this kind of problem is called a linear program. The function you are trying to maximize or minimize is called the objective function. Each of the inequalities or equations the variables must satisfy is called a constraint. Constraint that simply specify that a variable is non-negative, such as \( c \ge 0\), are called positivity constraints. We’ll almost always assume that each variable has a positivity constraint and the Simplex Method relies on this (we’ll also explain what to do when you don’t have positivity constraints).

Solving linear programs on a computer

There is software that can solve linear programs. Later on in this course we’ll often use LINDO to solve LPs. In LINDO you type in a pretty recognizable version of the LP; the pig farming problem would look like this:

minimize 7c + 6s + 5a
subject to
  0.9 c + 0.2 s + 0.4 a >  2
  3   c +   8 s +   6 a > 18
      c +   2 s +   4 a > 15

Notice that:

  • You only need to type > and LINDO assumes you mean \( \ge \).
  • You don’t put in the positivity constraints, LINDO assumes them by default.
  • You need the word end at, well, the end.

More sophisticated models

This example is a simplified versions of a real world problem, you can easily imagine adding more types of food, or breaking down the nutritional requirements further. If you want to see more sophisticated models for this problem, you could take a look at the following articles2:

Example: Gas Blending

Say you need to blend 4000 barrels of aviation gas from three available components: Toluene, Alkylate and Pentane. The prices and certain constraints which must be satisfied by the blend are summarized in the following table3:

Constraint Toluene Alkylate Pentane Specification
% aromatics 100 0 0 5 (min)
Reid Vapor Pressure 2.0 4.8 19.7 5.5 (min), 7.0 (max)
Performance Number 100 125 125 115 (max)
Cost ($) per Barrel 45 30 30  

The first row of the table says that we need at least 5% of “aromatics” in the blend, and also that only toluene is an “aromatic”. The objective is to find the amount of each resource to use in order to minimize the cost of producing the aviation gas. What happens if resource specifications or costs or available amounts change?

We can make several choices of how to define our decision variables; there should definitely be one variable for each of the amounts of toluene (\(t\)), alkylate (\(a\)) and pentane (\(p\)), but we could choose to represent:

  • the number of barrels, so we’d have \(t+a+p = 4000\),
  • the percentage of the total blend, so that \(t + a + p = 100\), or,
  • the fraction of the blend, so that \( t + a + p = 1\).

Each of these would be a valid choice and would give LPs that are only slightly different. If we let \(t\) be the fraction of toluene in the blend (and similarly for alkylate and pentane), we’d get the following LP:

Minimize \( 45t + 30a + 30p\)

subject to \[\begin{aligned} 100t & \ge 5 \\ 2t+4.8a+19.7p &\ge 5.5 \\ 2t+4.8a+19.7p &\le 7 \\ 100t + 125a+125p &\ge 115 \end{aligned} \]


Silage is grass or other green fodder that is stored without drying first so that it ferments, and is then fed to cattle, pigs or sheep. It’s also the name of a Christian rock band.


We won’t cover those articles in the course, I’ve only included them if you are curious to see what more realistic models look like.


I learned about this problem from Richard Anstee who in turn got it from Bill Pulleyblank around 1980 and I am uncertain of the original source.

Omar Antolín Camarena