Open Problems on Discrete and Computational Geometry.


This web page contains a list of open problems in Discrete and Computational Geometry. Contributions to the list are invited. To contribute problems, submit them to me by e-mail, in html format. For each problem you pose, you may include one or two figures, in gif or jpg format. Make sure they are not too big, as this slows down their downloading time considerably . If any problem posed here is solved, I would appreciate it if you send me an e-mail to or In each problem you pose, include, to the best of your knowledge, who posed the problem first, and relevant references. Try to be short, concise and to the point. This will make your problems more attractive, and may increase the chances someone will read and try to solve them. If you detect inaccuracies regarding references, etc. in the problems posed here, please let me know so that I can correct them.

Jorge Urrutia, November, 1996.

Table of contents

  1. Art Gallery or Illumination Problems

Jorge Urrutia,
Instituto de Matemáticas,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
School of Information Technology and Engineering
University of Ottawa,

A la página del Instituto de Matemáticas