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The Artificial Pancreas: modeling and glycemic regulation

Ponente: Prof. Claude H. Moog
Institución: Directeur de Recherche ANRS Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernétique de Nantes (IRCCyN), Nantes, France
Tipo de Evento: Investigación

Cuándo 06/09/2016
de 12:00 a 14:00
Dónde Auditorio del Centro Académico Cultural (CAC)
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Abstract: In this talk I will discuss some recent progress and challenges emerging from the Artificial Pancreas Project, a project focused on modeling and control of diabetes under insulin injections. Since variables such as glucose, insulin concentration in blood plasma and exogenous insulin infusions are non-negative by nature, significative theoretical challenges arise for modeling and controlling positive systems. The main open problems which are discussed and solved include: (i) a new model which is consistent with the functional insulinotherapy; (ii) the analysis of this mathematical model as an externally positive system; and (iii) the design of a positive control algorithm for glycemic regulation. Finally, some in-silico results will be presented which are based on clinical data from patients obtained from the Nantes and Rennes University Hospitals.
Hosted by Marco Tulio Angulo, IM-UNAM Juriquilla.