Rita Jiménez Rolland

I am a reseacher at the Institute of Mathematics of UNAM in Oaxaca.

Instituto de Matemáticas
UNAM, representación Oaxaca
León #2, altos, Col. Centro, 68000
Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca

rita at im dot unam dot mx
Office: 6
Phone: (+52) (951) 516 0541 ext 547




I am part of the Editorial Committee of Miscelánea Matemática, the outreach journal of the Mexican Mathematical Society.
Contact me if you are interested in submitting a paper (in Spanish).

Previously I was at:
Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas - UNAM
Department of Mathematics - Northeastern University
Department of Mathematics - University of Chicago
Departamento de Matemáticas CINVESTAV-IPN
Español / English