Michael Barot's teaching projects


2012-II Seminar on Hyperbolic Geometry (Joint with Javier Bracho)
2012-II Matematicas II (Grupo 220-A, CCH Sur)
2012-I Matematicas I (Grupo 120-A, CCH Sur)
2009-I Algebra Moderna III (Introduction to the theory of representations of algebras)
2008-II Algebra Moderna II (Theory of rings and fiels, Galois theory)
2008-I Algebra Moderna I (Group theory)
2007-II Algebra Lineal II
2007-I Algebra Lineal I

Matemáticas: Geometría Analítica

Textbook for the second year of the highschool (of UNAM)
Only in spanish
Coauthor: O. Palma Avendaño.
Why study mathematics
Relations and functions
Exponential and logarithmic functions
Elementary constructions
Geometry: algebraic description
Geometry: new objects
Geometry: determining properties
All mathematical branches form one single science
Ficha bibliográfica:
Matemáticas: Geometría Analítica
Editorial Santillana, S. A. de C. V.
2007. p. 490. ISBN: 978-970-29-1859-2

Breviario de la didáctica matemática

Short book introducing to certain aspects of didactics in high school.
Only in spanish.

1. Patterns of mathematical thinking Generalization and Specialization, Analogy, Symmetry and Invariants. Examples and discussion
2. Conjecturing or Proving To allow the students to formulate their own conjectures has advantages and clarifies the need for an argument. Two examples are extensively discussed.
3. Real mathematics The problematic of using "pseudeoreal" exercises is explained (an exercise is "pseudoreal" if it is formulated in a situation of the real world, although nobody beeing in such a situation would actually carry out the calculations in reality).
4. Motivating mathematics Some hints are given which help structure the contents of a course in such a way that students are better motivated.

Here you can download a preliminary version (only in spanish) (it is the second version including some exercises).
Comments, suggestions or corrections are very welcome.

Solución de problemas 3°. Matemáticas

Libro complementario para tercer año de Secundaria en México.
Coautor: J. A. de la Peña.
Only in spanish.
The height of the pyramid of Keops
The best angle to kick a goal
Colored chewing gums
Cross the Atlantic by a sailboat
When Frida saves money
Measuring kilometers with a thumb
At what age the mexicans get married?
The dark well
Dicover how many...
Bibliographic reference:
Solución de problemas 3°. Matemáticas
En la Serie: "Retos",
Editorial Santillana, S. A. de C. V.
2006. p. 160. ISBN: 970-29-1601-1

Un paseo por Hiperbolia

Book intoducing to hyperbolic geometry using the semiplane model form Poincaré. It presents a constructive approach favouring the geometric argument rather than anyltic calculus and it encourages the use of a computer program such as Geometer's Sketchpad (or any other dynamic geometry program which allows to store "construction recipes").
Only in spanish, so far.
Here you can download some skripts (in spanish) for working with the Geometer's Sketchpad.
Bibliographic reference:

Un paseo por Hiperbolia
En la Serie: "Matemática Aplicada y su Enseñanza",
editado por: F. Brambilla Paz y A. Díaz Barriga.
Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas y Sociedad Matemámatica Mexicana.
2005. p. 117. ISBN: 968-5733-04-X