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Orbifolds and Doodles on the sphere

Ponente: Eric Pauli Pérez Contreras
Institución: Instituto de Matemáticas, Unidad Juriquilla
Tipo de Evento: Investigación, Divulgación

Cuándo 30/10/2020
de 10:30 a 11:30
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In this talk we explore some connections between combinatorics and geometry. In graph theory, a graph is an abstract object that consists of a finite set V of elements called vertices and some pair of vertices called edges. The geometric version of a graph can be obtained when we draw a graph on a surface like a sphere or a plane. In this talk we explore conditions that are necessary for a graph to be well drawable in the sense that there is essentially one way to draw it on the sphere. We also give some examples of the symmetry gropus of these graphs that illustrate their importance.  
Eric Pauli está por concluir sus estudios doctorales, bajo la dirección del Dr. Luis Montejano en el Instituto de Matemáticas, Unidad Juriquilla.