Investigador Titular B
Instituto de Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Area de la Investigación Científica, Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacán, 04510. México, D. F.
Tel: +52 (55) 56 22 47 68

Gerónimo URIBE BRAVO    

Artículos sometidos

  1. ε -strong simulation of the convex minorants of stable processes and meanders
    (con Jorge Ignacio González Cázares y Aleksandar Mijatović)
  2. Invariance principles for local times in regenerative settings
    (con Aleksandar Mijatović)
  3. Geometrically Convergent Simulation of the Extrema of Lévy Processes
    (con Jorge Ignacio González Cázares y Aleksandar Mijatović)
  4. Totally Ordered Measured Trees and Splitting Trees with Infinite Variation II:
    Prolific Skeleton Decomposition

    (con Amaury Lambert)

Artículos publicados

  1. A note on the exact simulation of spherical Brownian motion
    (con Aleksandar Mijatović y Veno Mramor)
    Por aparecer en Statistics & Probability Letters
  2. Dini derivatives for Exchangeable Increments processes and applications
    (con Osvaldo Angtuncio)
    Por aparecer en Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
  3. Exact Simulation of the Extrema of Stable Processes
    (con Jorge Ignacio González Cázares y Aleksandar Mijatović)
    Advances in Applied Probability 2019 51 967-993
  4. Random walks with preferential relocations and fading memory:
    a study through random recursive trees

    (con Cécile Mailler)
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2019 093206
  5. Totally Ordered Measured Trees and Splitting Trees with Infinite Variation
    (con Amaury Lambert)
    Electronic Journal of Probability 2018 23 120 1-41
  6. Projections of spherical Brownian motion
    (con Aleksandar Mijatovic y Veno Mramor)
    Electronic Communications in Probability 2018 23 52 1-12
  7. Affine processes on + m × n and multiparameter time changes
    (con Ma. Emilia Caballero y José Luis Pérez Garmendia)
    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré Probabilités et Statistiques 2017 53 3 1280-1304
  8. The comb representation of compact ultrametric spaces
    (con Amaury Lambert)
    P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications 2017 9 1 22-38
  9. Shifting processes with cyclically exchangeable increments at random
    (con Loïc Chaumont)
    XI Symposium on Probability and Stochastic Processes 2015
    Progress in Probability Vol 69 , Birkhauser
  10. Supercritical percolation on large scale-free random trees
    (con Jean Bertoin)
    Annals of Applied Probability 2015 25 1 81-103
  11. Local extinction in continuous-state branching processes with immigration
    (con Clément Foucart)
    Bernoulli 2014 20 4 1819-1844
  12. Bridges of Lévy processes conditioned to stay positive
    Bernoulli 2014 20 1 190-206
  13. A Lamperti type representation of Continuous-State Branching Processes with Immigration
    (con Ma. Emilia Caballero y José Luis Pérez Garmendia)
    Annals of Probability 2013 41 3A 1585-1627
  14. The convex minorant of a Lévy process
    (con Jim Pitman)
    Annals of Probability 2012 40 4 1636-1674
  15. Convex minorants of random walks and Lévy processes
    (Con Josh Abramson, Jim Pitman y Nathan Ross)
    Electronic Communications in Probability 2011 16 423-434
  16. Markovian bridges: weak continuity and pathwise constructions
    (Con Loïc Chaumont)
    Annals of Probability 2011 39 2 609-647
  17. Proof(s) of the Lamperti representation of continuous-state branching processes
    (Con Ma. Emilia Caballero y Amaury Lambert)
    Probability Surveys 2009 6 62-89
  18. The falling apart of the tagged fragment and the asymptotic disintegration of the Brownian height fragmentation
    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré Probabilités et Statistiques 2009 45 4 1130--1149

Libros y notas de clase

  1. Cálculo Estocástico
    Curso de posgrado, versión preliminar.
  2. Procesos Estocásticos I
    Curso de posgrado.
  3. Cadenas de Markov, Un enfoque elemental
    (Con Ma . Emilia Caballero, Victor Rivero y Carlos Velarde)
    Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, 2004