Here you will find notes I have taken during the ICRA Workshop from August 10th to 13th 2016 and during the
conference from August 15th to 19th 2016. All abstracts can be found here.
Lectures during the Workshop:
- Robert Marsh: Dimer models and cluster categories of Grassmannian
- Markus Linckelmann: Hochschild cohomology and modular representation theory
- Julia Pevtsova: Support theories for the stable module category of a finite group scheme
- Michel Brion: The isogeny category of commutative algebraic groups
- Ryo Takahashi: Thick tensor ideals of right bounded derived categories of commutative rings
- Claire Amiot: Cluster categorification and applications to tilting theory
Talks during the Conference:
- Osamu Iyama: Finiteness of global dimension of endomorphism algebras
- Rosanna Laking: Indecomposable objects in the homotopy category of a derived-discrete algebra
- Antoine Touze: Stabilization and cup products for polynomial representations of GL_n(k)
- Erik Darpö: Cluster-tilting modules of self-injective Nakayama algebras
- Hugh Thomas: Semistable subcategories for preprojective algebras
- Steffen Oppermann: d-tilting bundles for Geigle-Lenzing weighted projective spaces
- Kyungyong Lee: Positivity for cluster algebras
- Ryan Kinser: K-polynomials of type A quiver orbit closures and lacing diagrams
- Srikanth Iyengar: Local Serre duality for modular representations of finite group schemes
- Jiarui Fei: Tensor multiplicity via upper cluster algebras
- Igor Burban: Fourier-Mukai transform on Weierstrass cubic and commuting differential operators