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Randomized Mutual Exclusion

Ponente: Philipp Woelfel
Institución: Universidad de Calgary, Canada
Tipo de Evento: Researcher

When May 31, 2016
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where Auditorio "Alfonso Nápoles Gándara"
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Mutual exclusion is one of the most important concepts in concurrent computing. It is a standard primitive for synchronizing access to resources among multiple asynchronous processes. Mutual exclusion algorithms are used widely in operating systems and concurrent shared memory algorithms. Until recently, most mutual exclusion algorithms were deterministic, but in the last few years randomization has proved to be a powerful tool to boost performance. In this talk I will give an overview of recent developments, and describe techniques for the design and analysis of efficient randomized mutual exclusion algorithms.

El Prof. Philipp Woelfel estará de visita en el Imate toda la semana, es un experto en computación distribuida y complejidad computacional, especialmente temas relacionados a el uso de la aleatoriedad para lograr algoritmos mas eficientes, temas en los cuales ha publicado mas de 50 trabajos, incluidos los mejores foros de computación, como son la revista Journal of the ACM y los congresos ACM STOC e IEEE FOCS.