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On the notion of quasi-ordinary singularities in positive characteristics: Teissier singularities and their resolution - Seminario de Álgebra Conmutativa y Geometría Algebraica / CIMAT-IMUNAM

Ponente: Hussein Mourtada
Institución: Université de Paris (Campus Paris-Diderot)

Cuándo 31/01/2022
de 15:30 a 16:30
Dónde https://bluejeans.com/759804451 , ID de la reunión 759 804 451.
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Resumen: A singularity (X,0) of dimension d is quasi-ordinary with respect to a finite projection p:(X,0)→C^d if the discriminant of the projection is a normal crossing divisor. These singularities are at the heart of Jung’s approach to resolution of singularities (in characteristic 0). In positive characteristics, they are not useful from the point of view of resolution of singularities, since their resolution problem is almost as difficult as the resolution problem in general. I will discuss a new notion of singularities, Teissier singularities, which are candidate to play the role of quasi-ordinary singularities in positive characteristics.