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Knotted Space-Time-Consciousness: Intersubjective Subjectivity

Ponente: Hye Young Kim
Institución: École Normale Supérieure, Francia

Cuándo 09/10/2018
de 12:00 a 13:00
Dónde Auditorio "Alfonso Nápoles Gándara"
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Does time's arrow flow straight forward? What if not? What if it's in the shape of a knot? This is a metaphysical interpretation of knot set theory. By applying Louis Kauffman's knot-logic, the structure of our consciousness of time will be analyzed from a different perspective. In doing so, an attempt will be made to prove how consistent subjective consciousness would be possible and that our subjective consciousness is necessarily intersubjective. This is an attempt to pursue the theme of connectivity across disciplinary boundaries between mathematics and philosophy.

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