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The Osofsky-Smith Theorem in rings, modules, categories, torsion theories, and lattices

Ponente: Toma Albu
Institución: Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
Tipo de Evento: Researcher

When Apr 27, 2017
from 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM
Where Salon de Seminarios Graciela Salicrup
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The renown Osofsky-Smith Theorem (O-ST), invented in 1991, says that a cyclic

(finitely generated) right R-module such that all of its cyclic (finitely generated) sub-
factors are CS modules is a finite direct sum of uniform submodules.

In this talk we present various extensions of this theorem to Grothendieck categories (the Categorical O-ST), module categories equipped with a hereditary torsion theory (the Relative O-ST), and modular lattices (the Latticial O-ST); it illustrates a general strategy which consists on putting a module-theoretical concept/result into a latticial frame (we call it latticization) in order to translate that concept/result to Grothendieck categories (we call it absolutization) and to module categories equipped with a hereditary torsion theorie (we call it relativization).