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"Topological Equivalence of Holomorphic Foliation Germs of Rank 1 with Isolated Singularity"

Ponente: Thomas Eckl
Institución: University of Liverpool
Tipo de Evento: Researcher, Human Resource Training

When Mar 30, 2017
from 09:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Where Salón de Seminarios 5, Graciela Salicrup
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Abstract: We discuss the topological classification of holomorphic foliation germs of rank 1 with an isolated singularity, by using the intersection (or trace) foliation with a sphere centered in the singularity. In the Poincar\'e case, the holomorphic foliation germ can be topologically reconstructed from the intersection foliation, and this reconstruction allows for a complete classification of topological equivalence classes in dimension 2, and for partial results in dimension >= 3. We also look at the Siegel case.