Stability conditions and quadratic differentials

Ponente: Tom Sutherland
Institución: Università di Pavia (Italia)
Tipo de Evento: Researcher

When Nov 28, 2016
from 05:00 PM to 06:30 PM
Where Salón 1 de seminarios
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This talk is dedicated to a class of triangulated categories defined using
quiver representations whose stability conditions can be described via
meromorphic quadratic differentials on a Riemann surface.  The appropriate
quadratic differentials define a foliation on the surface whose critical
leaves describe a triangulation with vertices at the poles of the
differential.  The process of tilting inside the triangulated category
provides a categorification of the cluster combinatorics of flips of these
triangulations, which together with periods of the quadratic differential
make up the data of a stability condition on the category.