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Sesión Especial: Fully invariant-extending modular lattices, and applications.

Ponente: Toma Albu
Institución: Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
Tipo de Evento: Investigación

Cuándo 27/11/2018
de 17:30 a 19:00
Dónde Salón de seminarios Graciela Salicrup
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The aim of this talk is to present the latticial counterpart of the notion of a fully invariant-extending module, and to ilustrate a general strategy which consists on putting a module-thoeretical notion/result into a latticial frame (we call it latticization), in order to translate that result to Grothendieck categories (we call it absolutization) and module categories equipped with hereditary torsion theories (we call it relativization).

An effort will be made to keep the exposition as self-contained as possible.