Mutations of non-integer quivers: finite mutation type

Ponente: Anna Felikson
Institución: Durham University
Tipo de Evento: Investigación, Formación de Recursos Humanos

Cuándo 22/03/2019
de 13:00 a 14:00
Dónde Auditorio Nápoles Gándara
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Given a skew-symmetric non-integer (real) matrix, one can construct a quiver with non-integer weights of arrows.  Such a quiver can be mutated according to usual rules of quiver mutation. We classify non-integer quivers of finite mutation type and prove that  all of
them admit some geometric interpretation (either  related to orbifolds or to reflection groups). In particular, the reflection group
construction gives rise to the notion of quivers of finite and affine types. We also study exchange graphs of quivers of finite and affine
types in rank 3. The talk is based on joint works with Pavel Tumarkin and  Philipp Lampe.