Critical exponents for groups of isometries, amenability, and property (T)

Ponente: Rhiannon Dougall
Institución: University of Warwick
Tipo de Evento: Researcher

When Feb 24, 2017
from 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM
Where Salon de Seminarios Graciela Salicrup
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The aim of this talk is to relate dynamics (critical exponents) to group properties (amenability and property (T)). Our setting is for groups of isometries of a (complete, simply connected) negatively curved manifold X. When the group G is non-elementary, the G-orbit of a point inside a ball of radius R grows exponentially in R -- we call this growth rate the critical exponent of G. We are interested in how the critical exponent varies over subgroups H of G. In the case that G is cocompact (or convex cocompact) we can give some answers in terms of amenability and property (T).