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Seminario de Probabilidad y Procesos Estocásticos

Miércoles 19 de abril a las 13:15 horas
Geometryof a large random intersection graph: inside the critical window
Minmin Wang, University of Sussex


Random intersection graph is a simple random graph model that incorporates community structures. To build such a graph, imagine there are n individuals and m potential communities. Each individual joins a community independently with probability p. The graph G(n, m, p) has n nodes, corresponding to the n individuals. Each pair of these individuals share an edge between them if they belong to a common community. The critical threshold for the emergence of a giant component turns out to be at p^2 ~ 1/nm. I’ll discuss some results that can help us to understand what a large G(n, m, p) looks like at the critical threshold.

  • Seminario de Probabilidad y Procesos Estocásticos

    Seminario de Probabilidad y Procesos Estocásticos

    Salón 201-202 Edificio Anexo IIMAS, UNAM